4s Season 19 Week 3 - Warmfrost (CP)

Tue, Mar 3, 2020 by Bonesaw

Map & Matchplay:

Date: Friday, March 6th
Map: cp_warmfrost_rc1

Download Link

Config: ugc_4v_standard.cfg
Match Play: Command Point (CP) is played in two halves.  Each half ends after a team has reached 4 points or a team has a total of 5 points.  A third round may be necessary if both teams are at equal points by the end of the second half.  Points are scored by capturing all of the map's command points.  The home team gets to decide what side they start on and teams will switch sides at half-time.  For any questions on league play please refer to the rules section or refer to the forums.  If either team reaches 5 TOTAL points, in either the second or third round, then the match is OVER and the config should be reloaded using the "rcon exec ugc_4v_standard.cfg" command (without the quotation marks).


Reminders to Team Captains:

The home team is expected to provide a properly configured server (this includes the most current config and the version of the map being played in the current season).  If the home team cannot provide a proper server, the away team may provide one.  Either team can rent an official UGC server if necessary.  Team leaders are required to communicate via the Match Comm found in the Leader Panel every week to coordinate match date, time, and server (asking for permission to have ringers can also be communicated here but no answer from the other leader does not mean that they are allowing ringers).  If no alternative time or date is agreed upon by both leaders, or an alternative time or date is not needed, then the match MUST be played at the default time and date.  All discrepencies will reference the Match Comms as the official form of communication between teams!  The leader of the winning team should report the match score as soon as the match is over, however, either leader can.  If neither team reports the match score the match will go as unplayed and your teams will be moved to Not Ready.  The Match Schedule is final, and teams are not permitted to play any map other than what has been scheduled or a team other than the one they've been scheduled against.


For any questions or concerns please contact an admin via the steps located on the 

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