A Summary of our League Setup

Current Season is Season43 - Seasons have 8 Regular Season Matches and a 4-week playoff.
Teams & Rosters
Category Highlander
Default # of players for matches 9
Minimum # of players for matches 7
Maximum # of players per roster 21
Class Limits
One of each class
Match Day
Default Match Times
North America 9:30pm EST - 8:30pm CST - 7:30pm MST - 6:30pm PST
European Divisions (CET is in effect from Oct 28 to March 31)
  1. 2 EAST Teams - 19:00 CEST/CET
  2. 2 WEST Teams - 21:00 CEST/CET
  3. 1 EAST vs 1 WEST Team - 20:00 CEST/CET
  4. Teams leaders can set their team's time zone from the leader panel. Please specify time zones in all communications so that there is no misunderstanding.
South America 21:00 UTC-3
AUS/NZ 8:00pm Sydney Time
Asia 9:00pm Seoul Time

Weapons Settings

No crits, no damage spread.
Whitelist enforced in server cfgs.
Restricted Unlockables
See the Current Whitelist for a list of excluded items, on each Leagues 'Downloads' page, see top menu.
Any new weapons released during the course of a season are NOT allowed, unless otherwise ok'd by Admins and Testing Group.

Maps Types & Rules

Stopwatch Maps

Examples: cp_steel (Attack/Defense) & pl_badwater­ (Payload)
Config: ugc_HL_stopwatch.cfg

Match Play: Stopwatch maps are played in 2 halves with a potential overtime round if there is a tie after 2 halves. Each team attacks and defends one time in each half. The Home team decides whether to attack first or defend in the first half.­ Teams should swap sides in the second half.

1st half: Team A attacks and Team B defends then Team B attacks and Team A defends
2nd half: Team B attacks and Team A defends then Team A attacks and Team B defends.­
Overtime Round: If each team wins a half, the scores will be tied at 1-1. The overtime round should be played just like the 1st half. Team A attacks and Team B defends then Team B attacks and Team A defends.

Winning the half (or OT round): A team is considered the winner of the half if they have secured more checkpoints (or control points) than the other team or if they controlled the same number of checkpoints (or control points) in a faster time. 

Example (pl_badwater)
Team A secured all 5 checkpoints in 7 minutes and 32 seconds. Team B was able to secure all 5 checkpoints in 6 minutes and 58 seconds. Team B would be considered the winner of that half and would be awarded 1 point towards the final scoring.

Winning the match: A team is considered the winner of the match if they win both regular halves OR if they win one half and the overtime round.

Scoring:­ Each half won counts as 1 point and winning the overtime round counts as 1 point. Possible match scores ­are 2-0 or 2-1.

Control Point Maps

Examples: cp_badlands & cp_process_final
Config: ugc_HL_standard.cfg

Match Play: Control Point maps are played in 2 halves (each consisting of up to 7 rounds). Each round ends when one team captures all of the control points. Each half ends when one team wins 4 rounds or the 30 min time limit is reached. Possible scores for a given half: 0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 3-3, or 4-3.

Overtime Round:­ If the score is tied after 2 halves an overtime round must be played to decide the winner. The winner of the OT round is determined by whichever team can capture all the control points first.

If neither team manages to capture all control points during the OT round, a special second OT round is to be played. In this round the first team to capture the center control point will win the match. Please note: The configs will not stop the match after one team captures the center control point in the special OT round. You will need to stop the match manually by executing the ugc_off.cfg file.

Winning the match: The winning team is the first to win 5 cumulative rounds, or the team with the highest score after two full halves have been played.

Scoring: Each round won counts as 1 point. Possible match scores are 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 3-3, 4-3, 5-3 or 5-4.


Examples: koth_viaduct_pro7, koth_ashville_rc1
Config: ugc_HL_koth.cfg

Match Play: KOTH maps are played in 2 halves (each consisting of up to 5 rounds). Each round ends on a timer. Whichever team owns the control point when the timer runs out is considered the winner of that round. Each half ends when one team has won 3 rounds. Possible scores for a given half: 3-0, 3-1 or 3-2. Please note: A single half cannot result in a tie score.

Overtime: If ­teams are tied after 2 halves (example: Team A wins 3 rounds in the first half and Team B wins 3 rounds in the second half), a single overtime round must be played to determine the winner. Whichever team owns the control point when the timer runs out is considered the winner of the OT round.

Winning the match: The winning team is the first to win 4 cumulative rounds. Please note: The winning team must have won 4 cumulative rounds to end a match.

Scoring: Each round won counts as 1 point. Possible match scores are 4-0, 4-1, 4-2 or 4-3. 

Servers & Matchrounds

Home Team
  • Server choice for the first half of the match and the overtime round.
  • Color choice to start, alternate thereafter.
SourceTV must record a demo of all matches, players must record a POV demo.
Finding a Server
Our Sponsor Gameservers.com has provided 70 servers for our teams to use on a temporary basis, Team Leaders can access a server from their team leader match page.

Both Teams are equally responsible for finding a server to play the Match on. The "Home Team" and "Visiting/Team" designations set order of play, but DO NOT assign the home team with sole responsibility to provide a server.
Most Teams have a Server of their own, and you can swithc servers for each round as needed. IF your Team does not have a server, post that in your Match comms as soon as possible. If only one Team has a server, use it for boths rounds.
IF neither Team has a Server? Ask UGC to borrow one, you may need to play at times other than default day and time.

Team Admins: Login by Steam or Battlenet to access your Team Admin panel. Or use the Team Admin Login below to use your dedicated username/password.

Team Admin Login
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  • No announcements
  • Sun, Jan 28 - TF2 Highlander Season 42 Beginning Soon
  • Season: 43
  • Number Match Weeks: 8
  • Roster Lock:
  • Team Max Players: 21