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TF2 Team History

TF2 Highlander

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
Kids Next Door
.knd - NA Platinum
rchl 5/25/2015
Joined S16
Dropped S16
S16 (4/2015 - 9/2015) - NA Platinum
Independent Fighters Allia
<< IFA >> - NA Gold
rchl 1/24/2015
Joined S15
Dropped S15
S15 (1/2015 - 4/2015) - NA Platinum
The Hateful Eight + Decima
h8 - NA Platinum
rchl 1/16/2015
Joined S15
Dropped S15
S15 (1/2015 - 4/2015) - NA Platinum
The Electric Temptations
ET - NA Platinum
rchl 4/29/2014
Joined S12
Dropped S14
S12 (1/2014 - 5/2014) - NA Platinum
Barney and the Ganks
Grand Meister - NA Platinum
rchl 8/13/2013
Joined S10
Dropped S12
S10 (5/2013 - 8/2013) -
Tonka Truck Bedsheets
@@VROOM@@ - NA Platinum
rachcsa 5/17/2013
Joined S10
Dropped S10
S10 (5/2013 - 8/2013) - NA Platinum
Independent Fighters Allia
<< IFA >> - NA Gold
Rachcsa 10/7/2012
Joined S8
Dropped S10
S8 (8/2012 - 1/2013) - NA Silver
A Tin Team
[Sn] - NA Silver
rachcsa 6/7/2012
Joined S7
Dropped S8
S7 (5/2012 - 8/2012) - NA Platinum
WestTOO Squared
TOO² - NA Steel
rachcsa 1/17/2012
Joined S6
Dropped S7
S6 (1/2012 - 5/2012) - NA Steel

TF2 6vs6

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
Respawn Veterans
Vet - NA Platinum
rchl 9/4/2012
Joined S10
Dropped S16
S10 (8/2012 - 1/2013) - NA Steel
Space Jam
_jam - NA Steel
Scones 5/16/2012
Joined S8
S8 (1/2012 - 5/2012) -
The Wild Party
THWP - NA Platinum
Rachcsa 6/15/2012
Joined S9
S9 (5/2012 - 8/2012) - NA Platinum

TF2 4vs4

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
Satan Take the Wheel
[StanPls] - Gold N.Amer
rchl 1/15/2014
Joined S1
Dropped S6
S1 (1/2013 - 5/2014) - Silver N.Amer

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