ucle dane


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TF2 Team History

TF2 Highlander

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
Just a Rabbit
JaR - Euro Platinum
a z 9/26/2023
S ( - ) -
Rat Gang; El maco
Rat Gang - Euro Silver
azzii 10/25/2022
Joined S38
Dropped S39
S38 (8/2022 - 12/2022) - Euro Silver
Grump Hut
GH - Euro Steel
Azzii 5/7/2022
Joined S37
Dropped S38
S37 (4/2022 - 8/2022) - Euro Steel
Modern Walrus
MW - Euro Iron
elca w 5/18/2016
Joined S19
Dropped S20
S19 (4/2016 - 9/2016) - Euro Iron
Inane Speculation
?IS| - Euro Iron
elcaro 4/8/2014
Joined S12
Dropped S14
S12 (1/2014 - 5/2014) - *Euro New Teams

TF2 4vs4

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
Just 4 Rabbits
J4R - Europe
1983 Honda Jazz Hondamat 6/29/2023
Joined S29
S29 (3/2023 - 7/2023) - Europe
Makeshift Gaming
MsG - Steel Euro
MsG Aza 2/17/2017
Joined S10
Dropped S15
S10 (12/2016 - 4/2017) - Steel Euro
Mongs With Attitude
M.W.A - *New Teams - Euro
elca 9/29/2015
Joined S6
Dropped S8
S6 (9/2015 - 12/2015) - *New Teams - Euro

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