Team Timezone: AUS
Team Description:
Titles Won:
TF2 HL AUS/NZ Steel 1st Place S18
Season | Division | W-L |
18 | AUS NZ | 10-1 |
Team's Roster History *New team members are highlighted for a 18 hour conditional period, after which they are an official team member.
Old Name | New Name | Date | ||
LoL | legion of legends | BA | Bacon Ascending | 2/24/2016 |
Ygfo | Yuri Gagarins First Orbit | LoL | legion of legends | 2/19/2016 |
Dsf | Dire Straits Fanclub | Ygfo | Yuri Gagarins First Orbit | 2/12/2016 |
FKW | Fancy Killer Whales | Dsf | Dire Straits Fanclub | 2/4/2016 |
CP | Cat Party | FKW | Fancy Killer Whales | 1/28/2016 |
MCB | Magic Carpet Burns | CP | Cat Party | 1/17/2016 |
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