Team Timezone: Asia
Team Description:
the winner team of
this region
Titles Won:
ATF2L 6s Season 3 Steel 2nd Place
ATF2L 6s Season 2 Steel 2nd Place
ATF2L 6s Season 1 Steel 3rd Place
Season | Division | W-L |
42 | Asia Steel | 0-0 |
41 | Asia Steel | 2-10 |
40 | Asia Steel | 9-8 |
39 | Asia Steel | 16-4 |
38 | Asia Steel | 13-5 |
37 | Asia Steel | 12-5 |
Team's Roster History *New team members are highlighted for a 18 hour conditional period, after which they are an official team member.
Old Name | New Name | Date | ||
ALL-STAR | The Asian NBA Team | ZIAO | Better Call ZIAO now | 7/20/2023 |
WGZ | WorldGroupZiao | ALL-STAR | The Asian NBA Team | 3/6/2023 |
LPG | Loading Pregame...6s | WGZ | WorldGroupZiao | 9/22/2022 |
shotgun | Loading Pregame...6s | LPG | Loading Pregame...6s | 4/15/2022 |
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