UGC TEAM / Omega Academy Black

OMGB | Omega Academy Black Joined Mar 25, 2023

Team Status


Competition Division

NA Intermediate

East Timezone

Team Staff
ratto Manager
Team Record
Season Division W-L
S20 NA Intermediate 7 - 5

View Full Match Record

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Team Roster Status

Roster Slots are Available
Contact the Team Admin to get the PassCode to Join.

 Current Roster
  11 Players Ready?  

Captain / Starter
Mar 29, 2023 6:05 AM EST
Mar 26, 2023 6:50 PM EST
Mar 26, 2023 10:04 PM EST
Mar 27, 2023 5:55 AM EST
May 26, 2023 10:02 AM EST
Mar 26, 2023 6:50 PM EST
Mar 26, 2023 10:07 PM EST
Mar 26, 2023 10:33 PM EST
Apr 10, 2023 10:20 PM EST
Apr 18, 2023 11:58 PM EST
Jun 1, 2023 7:21 PM EST

Avg Team SR Starter Private Profile Ready
Level Sub Invalid Battletag Not Ready
SR from prior Comp season Starter/Sub Not Set Role Not Set
Stats Not Available On roster cooldown for 18 hours

Players must have a valid Battletag, set a preferred class, and be designated as a Starter or Sub to particpate in matches!

Full Match Records

OW OW2 - Season 2 Matches

Division Round Date Opponent Map Scores Result
NA Intermediate 1 Fri, Apr, 14, 2023 vs WWC Busan (Night) / Circuit Royal / Blizzard World / Esperanca / Lijiang Tower (Dawn) (OT: Oasis (Morning)) ( 0 - 0 ) w
NA Intermediate 2 Fri, Apr, 21, 2023 vs YPG Nepal (Morning) / Rialto / Midtown / New Queen Street / Oasis (Evening) (OT: Ilios (Evening)) ( 0 - 3 ) L
NA Intermediate 3 Fri, Apr, 28, 2023 vs FRN Antarctic Peninsula / Dorado / Hollywood / Colosseo / Ilios (Morning) (OT: Busan (Night)) ( 2 - 3 ) L
NA Intermediate 4 Fri, May, 5, 2023 vs SFSU Lijiang Tower (Night) / Shambali Monastery / Eichenwalde / Esperanca / Busan (Morning) (OT: Nepal (Morning)) ( 3 - 0 ) w
NA Intermediate 5 Fri, May, 12, 2023 vs CESU Red Oasis (Morning) / Junkertown / Paraiso / New Queen Street / Nepal (Dawn) (OT: Antarctic Peninsula) ( 3 - 0 ) w
NA Intermediate 6 Fri, May, 19, 2023 vs MSC Ilios (Evening) / Havana / Kings Row / Colosseo / Antarctic Peninsula (OT: Oasis (Morning)) ( 3 - 1 ) w
NA Intermediate 7 Fri, May, 26, 2023 vs OTV Busan (Morning) / Watchpoint: Gibraltar / Midtown / Esperanca / Oasis (Night) (OT: Lijiang Tower (Night) ( 0 - 0 ) w
NA Intermediate 8 Fri, Jun, 2, 2023 vs PBP Nepal (Dawn) / Route: 66 / Blizzard World / New Queen Street / Lijiang Tower (Night) (OT: Busan (Night)) ( 1 - 3 ) L
NA Intermediate 9 Fri, Jun, 9, 2023 vs Uplink Antarctic Peninsula / Rialto / Eichenwalde / Colosseo / Busan (Night) (OT: Ilios (Evening)) ( 3 - 1 ) w
NA Intermediate 10 Fri, Jun, 16, 2023 vs HS! Lijiang Tower (Dawn) / Circuit Royal / Hollywood / Esperanca / Ilios (Evening) (OT: Nepal (Morning)) ( 3 - 1 ) w
NA Intermediate 11 Fri, Jun, 23, 2023 vs UKAR Oasis (Night) / Dorado / Midtown / New Queen Street / Nepal (Morning) (OT: Lijiang Tower (Night)) ( 0 - 3 ) L
NA Intermediate 12 Fri, Jun, 30, 2023 vs TWC Ilios (Morning) / Shambali Monastery / Kings Row / Colosseo / Nepal (Morning) / Junkertown / Lijiang Tower (Night) (OT: Busan (Night)) ( 0 - 4 ) L
(*PS = Pre Season, not included in ranking totals for seasonal leagues)
Team Name Changes
Old Name New Name Date
OMGB Omega Academy B OMGB Omega Academy Black 3/26/2023

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  • OW2 Season 2 Underway!

Important Dates

  • Tue, Feb 28 - Signups Open!
  • Fri, Apr 7 - Registration Ends
  • Fri, Apr 14 - Season Starts