Season 2 of UGC League - Overwatch will be starting on Thursday October 6th! We are also excited to announce that for Season 2 there will be a minimum $500 prize pot to be split (proportionally based on division size) amongst the top team in each Region. We are currently running a Community Fundraiser through GoFundMe to help us increase the prize pool. Throughout the season we will be running a number of Show Matches and Special Brawls to help raise more funds for the prize pool.
Signups for Season 2 are currently open; head over to the signup page and click the "Battle Net Login" button to begin setting up your team! Please note: We're currently accepting new teams in North America, Europe, Asia, South America & Australia/New Zealand regions. Each Region must have a minimum of 14 teams participating in the upcoming season in order to be eligible for prize money.
If you have signed up already; make sure you have at least 6 players on your roster, set your team status to READY and submit a Division Change Request to be moved from the *NEW* division into either NA Steel or EU Steel divisions. Teams will be scheduled for Week 1 on Sunday October 2nd. Only READY teams that have 6 or more players and are sitting in the NA Steel and EU Steel divisions will be scheduled!
If you are a player looking for a team or a team looking for additional players, check out our Recruiting Forum. Please note, our forums currently require a Steam account in order to post.
How to contact us: Players can feel free to engage us directly via Battle Net (see our Staff Page), through our Forums or through Discord.
SINGUP HERE! - Sat, Apr 30, 2022" href="home_ow_newsitem.cfm?newsitem=117">